PyLib API Reference

Version: 1.0.0

author:Ken Lowrie

pylib — aka kenl380.pylib

Library of common APIs for Python Applications.

PyLib is a set of common APIs and Classes that are used by many of my personal Python applications and packages. In this initial version of the library, I’ve stripped it down to just those things that I have functional unittests for. As I have time to add additional tests and documentation, I will add more functionality back in.

I recommend importing this package using the syntax:

import kenl380.pylib as pylib

So that you only need to use the pylib part of the namespace, e.g.:


pylib Module-wide data

Yes, module-wide data is another way of saying Global (ugh) variables. In the current version, there are three (3) of them.

pylib.USER - `str` object

This is the name of the currently logged-in user.

pylib.COMPUTER - `str` object

This is the host name where your app is running.

pylib.TEMPDIR - `str` object

This points to a writable location for temporary files

pylib.context Class

The context class provides a quick way to get at some useful information about the current module.

class pylib.context(module, alias=None)[source]

Provides context to a Python module.

The context object provides methods to give useful context to a Python module. Things like current location, fully qualified script name, an alias and more.

when you instantiate one of these, you pass in __file__ if defined, otherwise sys.argv[0].

  • module (str) – the fully qualified path for this module
  • alias (str, optional) – the preferred alias for this module, defaults to basename of the module variable.


For example, add the following code to your main module.

import kenl380.pylib as pylib

def context():
        myself = __file__
    except NameError:
        myself = argv[0]

    return pylib.context(myself)

me = context()

Now, the me object can be used to extract useful information about the module, such as: me.whereami() to get the fully qualified pathname of your script.


Returns the alias (shortname) of the current module

By default, the alias is simply the basename (module name without extension) of the module; however, you can override that by passing in a specific value for the alias when you construct the object.

Returns:The alias for the current module
Return type:str

Version of Python running my script

Returns:A descriptive string containing the version of Python running this script.
Return type:str

Returns the fully qualified path where the current module is stored

Returns:Fully qualified path to the current module
Return type:str

Get the fully qualified name of the current module.

Returns:Fully qualified name of the current module
Return type:str

pylib.ntpx Class

The pylib.ntpx class will probably be deprecated soon. Python 3’s pathlib is more flexible and has much more support. At the very least, I should refactor ntpx to use pathlib if running on 3.x.

class pylib.ntpx(path, normalize=True)[source]

Implements Windows NT command shell path manipulation.

This class implements methods for manipulating paths, including a simple formatter that accepts a format string similar to what the Windows NT command shell allows.

  • path (str) – A path that you want to manipulate
  • normalize (bool) – Whether or not to normalize the path that is passed in. Default is True.


print ntpx('c:/dir/foo.ext').format('dp')  - prints 'c:/dir/'
print ntpx('c:/dir/foo.ext').format('nx')  - prints 'foo.ext'

Of course on any Posix system, drive letter doesn’t make sense, so if you run this same code on Mac OS X or Linux, you’d get:

print ntpx('c:/dir/foo.ext').format('dp')  - prints 'CWD/c:/dir/'
print ntpx('c:/dir/foo.ext').format('nx')  - prints 'foo.ext'


Refactor this code when running on Python 3 to use the pathlib module, which is a superior alternative with many more features.


Returns a tuple containing all elements of the object

This method returns all elements of the path in the form of a tuple.
e.g.: (abs_path, drive_letter, path_only, rootname, extension, filesize, time_in_seconds).
Returns:All elements of the path associated with this object as a tuple.
Return type:tuple


If path points to a non-existant file, the size and datetime will be returned as None (NoneType).


returns the modified date and time of the file in seconds

Returns:Modify DateTime of the file in seconds or None if file doesn’t exist
Return type:int

returns the drive letter

Returns:The drive letter for the path
Return type:str


Drive letters are a Windows thing. On Posix platforms, this will return an empty string.


returns the extension

Returns:Extension of the file or directory
Return type:str

Returns string representing the items specified in the format string

The format string can contain:

d - drive letter
p - path
n - name
x - extension
z - file size
t - file time in seconds

And, you can string them together, e.g. dpnx returns the fully qualified name.

On platforms like Unix, where drive letter doesn’t make sense, it’s simply ignored when used in a format string, making it easy to construct fully qualified path names in an os independent manner.

Parameters:fmt (str) – A string representing the elements you want returned.
Returns:A string containing the elements of the path requested in fmt
Return type:str

returns the name

Returns:Base name of the file or directory
Return type:str

returns the path

Returns:Path to the file or directory
Return type:str

returns the size of the file

Returns:Size of the file or None if file doesn’t exist
Return type:int

pylib methods


Return the parent directory of pathspec.

This function calls abspath() on pathspec before splitting the path. If you pass in a partial path, it will return the normalized absolute path, and not just any relative path that was on the original pathspec.

Parameters:pathspec (str) – The path (or partial path) whose parent you want to extract
Returns:The parent directory of pathspec
Return type:str
pylib.pushd(dir=None, throw_if_dir_invalid=True)[source]

Push the current working directory (CWD) onto a stack, set CWD to ‘dir’

Save the CWD onto a global stack so that we can return to it later. If dir is None, the function simply stores the CWD onto the stack and returns. Use popd() to restore the original directory.

  • dir (str, optional) – The directory to switch to or None. If None, the default if it is not passed, this function will simply push the current working directory onto the global stack and return.
  • throw_if_dir_invalid (bool, optional) – Whether or not to pass back up any exception raised by chdir(). Default is True.

  • True (bool) – Success
  • False (bool) – Failure

  • OSError – If throw_if_dir_invalid is True and chdir raises an exception, this function will chain the same exception as chdir, typically OSError
  • TypeError – If the type of dir is not an instance of str


This method and its counterpart popd() are not thread safe!

pylib.popd(pop_all=False, throw_if_dir_invalid=True)[source]

Restore current working directory to previous directory.

The previous directory is whatever it was when last pushd() was last called. pushd() creates a stack, so each call to popd() simply sets the CWD back to what it was on the prior pushd() call.

  • pop_all (bool, optional) – When pop_all is True, sets the CWD to the state when pushd() was first called. Does NOT call os.getcwd() for intervening paths, only the final path.
  • throw_if_dir_invalid (bool, optional) – Whether or not to pass back up any exception raised by chdir(). Default is True.

  • True (bool) – Success
  • False (bool) – Failure

  • OSError – If throw_if_dir_invalid is True and chdir raises an exception, this function will chain the same exception as chdir, typically OSError
  • ValueError – If popd() called on an empty stack; i.e. before pushd() has been called.


This method and its counterpart pushd() are not thread safe!